Tuesday, June 10, 2008

:: Summer Reading ::

I have found lately that I have slipped into reading books without a lot of substance. I need to fix that, it's not that reading fluff doesn't have it's time and place, we all need the superfluous in our lives. However my goal is to make that the exception and not the rule. My sister Kitti always inspires me read better books and Nat has done the same with her summer read goals.

I have started off the list with two quick reads; The Homeless Bird by Gloria Whelan and The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy. Both were amazing and reminded me that I want to be reading quality literature again. I'm slowly but surely gathering a list of books I want to read in the near future, I would post it for all to see but then the list would look like homework to me and I would never pick them up. For some reason making a list on Goodreads does not feel like homework, more of a suggestion list to work from. If you haven't checked out Goodreads.com it is my new favorite, it's the best way to keep all the books you have read or plan to read organized and you can get ideas from friends on what to read next.

So I know I have asked for Book Club recommendations before but, (this being a little different) is there a book that comes to mind when you think of books that have been meaningful in your life. Something that inspires you and makes you want to pick it up again and again?


miss kitti said...

Have you read Blindness yet? Read it but don't see the movie (when it comes out). Very powerful.

Jacob S. Paulsen said...

Sounds like a good start. I prefer http://booksiread.org/ mostly because it syncs with facebook, orkut, and myspace.

Dave said...

Send your suggestions my way. I remember really liking The Hiding Place, by Corrie Ten Boom

Jessica said...

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Three Junes, and Joan Didion's latest...can't recall the title.