Sunday, March 22, 2009


Many of you know that I used to sell my tie-dyes online. It was my first website venture that I started when I got a job at StoresOnline. It was fun and a great learning experience but as orders became more regular, I realized that I was spending way more time in our old basement than I wanted to making tie-dyes till the wee hours of morning. So I stopped making tie-dyes and I took the site down a few months before Josh and Jane were born.

Well, I recently decided to re launch the site only this time I am not making the shirts, I have a wholesale supplier. I admit that they are not as nice as the ones I make but it has still been fun to get back into the tie-dye market even if it just means working on getting the website put together.

Check it out:


Lori said...

Way to go!

chilidawg said...

I don't know how I feel about this. It's like Jerry Garcia joining SFLB. You're the best at tie-dyes ever, kgordee!